Conference Program

The Conference will be held at the Conference Centre of the Hotel Grand Chancellor. Lectures will commence at 9:00 am, and will proceed throughout the day until 5:30 pm, with regular lunch and tea breaks. Breakfast will be served at the hotel restaurant before the start of lectures, both the Morning Tea break and Afternoon Tea Break, at 10:30 am and 3:30 pm respectively, will be at the conference venue. Lunch is from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm at the hotel restaurant.

Download the conference timetable (pdf)

A more detailed outline of the conference is included in the program. The program also contains a list of abstracts, and additional information which we hope will be useful to the attendees -- transport options from the airport to the Hotel, the location of various stores and a quick word on leisure activities.

Download the program (pdf)

Registration (14:00 -- 17:00) and the Conference Reception (18:00 -- 20:00) will be held on 19 July at the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The Conference Dinner (19:00 -- 22:00) will be held on 22 July at the Nu-Nu Restaurant. The location of the Nu-Nu Restaurant is given in the program.

Updated:  21 November 2024/ Responsible Officer:  Director, RSPE/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster